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Club Constitution

Constitution –  Revised March 2023 

1.     The Club shall be called the Tadcaster Country Walking Club.

2.     Its aims are to encourage responsible walking in the countryside.

3.     The Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date in February each year, and at least 14 days notice of the date, time and place shall be given to all members in writing by the Secretary. A quorum shall be three committee members and five other members of the club.

4.     An extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened at the request of not less than six members, in writing to the Secretary, and at least 14 days notice of a suitable date, time, place and of the business to be transacted shall be given to all members.

5.     Amendments to these rules can only be made by a majority vote at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. Every member shall receive a copy of these rules and be bound thereby.

6.     The club committee shall comprise of the Chairperson, Secretary, Walks Coordinator and Treasurer. The committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

7.     Committee meetings shall be held as deemed necessary by the Chairman, and shall be convened by the Secretary.

8.     The club’s financial year shall end on 31st January.

9.     A joining subscription shall be decided by the Annual General Meeting and shall be due on completion of the membership application form which must be returned to the Secretary. Further subscriptions shall be payable from time to time as agreed at the AGM.

10.  The accounts will be examined by an independent examiner.

11.  With a view to minimising admin costs, communication between members will be by email (where possible). Internet buddies (those members who do not have access to the internet) will be agreed whereby those with web access will ensure their buddies are kept informed of any changes or events.

12.   A walks programme will be published every three months (January to March, April to June, July to September, and October to December)

13.  A member who has agreed to plan and lead a walk must make every effort do so. Where this is not possible the walk leader must try to ensure that someone else leads the walk or an alternative walk is communicated to the members. Any major changes affecting the programme (cancellation or change of date) must be communicated to the Walks Coordinator who will inform members as necessary. Where a walk has to be changed due to unforeseen conditions (weather, shooting restrictions, general access etc.) the walk leader must inform the members accordingly by email.

14. Dogs may not be taken on club walks.

15.  Individuals are responsible for assessing their own suitability for club walks.

16.  Interested persons are welcome to come on any walk suitable to their ability, after which they are encouraged to join the club.

17.  Members and visitors shall observe the Country Code, and members are also expected to be suitably equipped. Any leader of the opinion that a member or visitor is not adequately equipped may refuse to allow that person to take part in the walk.

18.  Members and visitors taking part in Club activities do so entirely at their own risk. Neither the Club nor its elected officers or leaders will accept responsibility for any personal accident or loss of property.

19.  The committee shall observe the right to suspend membership on a breach of these rules, or any other action prejudicial to the well-being of the Club.

20.  Transport will be by private car, bus or other public transport. When private cars are used then the number of cars will be minimised to ensure cheaper costs to members and to minimise the effect on the environment.

21.  Car mileage reimbursement will be agreed at the AGM.

© 2021 by Tadcaster Country Walking Club. All rights reserved.

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