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MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday 27th February 2024 at 7.30pm

21 The High Street, Tadcaster, LS24 9AP


1. Chairman’s Welcome

Michael welcomed everyone to our meeting at the new venue, 21 The High Street, Tadcaster.

The meeting was attended by 31 members, Michael and Kate Arnold, Mary Auton, Kath and Jeff Ballance, Hilary Battye, Pat and Stuart Bowman, Steve Cobb, Edward French, Frances and David Gigg, Denise and Steve Gorton, Rob Hill, Joan Horner, Rod Horton, Dave and Kaye Howard, Sue and David Howard, Maura and John Hunt, Jillian Lawson, Peter McCreesh, Lyn Parkin, Mary Ramsden, Andy and Jane Steel, Peter Watkins and Joyce Webster.


All members have already been provided with their own copy of the Agenda, the minutes of last year’s meeting, and a summary of the Club’s accounts for the year ended 31st January 2023.


2. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were accepted from Helen Chambers, Jo Curtis, Jean Hanby, Felicity Hill, Carmel and Phil Hopkins, Janice Hopps, Joy Ingram, Debbie Johnson, Adrian and Dee Lockwood, Yvonne Malthouse, Angela and Derek Marshall, Roderic Parker, Carol Pettifar, Christine Snowdon and Mike Wareham.

Many of these members also added a vote of thanks to the Committee and everyone who contributes in different ways to the success of our walks.


3. Agreement of Previous Minutes and Matters Arising

Minutes of the previous meeting have been seen and agreed as a true record. Proposed by Maura, seconded by John Hunt.

There were no matters arising.


4. Chairman’s Review of the Past 12 Months­­ - Michael Arnold

The Club has now settled into a new normal pattern, following the difficulties of the Covid pandemic. Some of the changes that were made during that time, such as the online booking of walks and walks programmes have proved to be useful. We are constantly making small changes which make it easier to arrange to share lifts.

About 30 members are now part of a WhatsApp group, which is a private and closed social media system. This is NOT used for normal club communication on walks, social events etc. but just to share photos, odd notes on days out and things of general interest. If you wish to join (or leave) this group, please see Maura.

Now in its 25th year, the Club continues to do well, offering a variety of walks almost every Tuesday and Saturday.

Other activities included the Christmas walk and buffet at the Magnet Social Club, organised by Jane Steel, which was enjoyed by all.

28 members stayed for 2 nights at Cober Hill, near Scarborough in July, and enjoyed it enough to book again for this year.

Sue and Dave once again organised a very successful Annual Dinner and quiz at Wetherby Golf Club. Holding the event in August has been popular with members.

Pat is hoping to repeat the Farndale daffodil walk in April, but the date may have to change if the blooms are early.

Another traditional walk, to the Grassington Christmas market last December, was disappointing. The market was much depleted, and no longer has a Dickensian theme, so that walk is unlikely to appear on this year’s programme. To replace this was a popular summer visit to Grassington, led by Lyn, with options for very short walks.

Rod Horton is planning a strenuous ascent of Mickle Fell (more about this later in the meeting) and I think we can look forward to another year of great walks.


5. Walk Co-Coordinator’s Review - Sue Howard

We have just completed another full year of walks on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The Tuesday walks are still alternatively long and short, with an extra short local Tadcaster walk on the long Tuesdays organised by Felicity and Angela.

The walks have been well attended, especially the local ones in the winter quarter, and only a couple had to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.

The longest walk mileage wise was the Harrogate Round 21 miles, led by John and Maura. There have been some tough walks led by Rod and Adrian, and Michael’s High Cup Nick, in Teesdale was particularly strenuous.

In July we had our annual stay at Cober Hill, which once again went very well, and will be repeated this year.

In October, Carol P organised a 2-day walking holiday in Hawes which included an encounter with red squirrels.

Lyn Parkin organised another trip to Grasssington, to enable those who wanted a shorter walk to travel further afield.

There have been so many enjoyable walks, it’s impossible to mention them all.

Although we have a full programme for the current quarter, it is often the same people who volunteer to lead walks. We do need more walks leaders, so if you’ve not done it before, please think about it. There are plenty of us who will recce the walk with you and help you to lead.

Thank you to all the walk leaders for their time and effort.


6. Secretary’s Report - Pat Bowman

Welcome to another new venue, which I hope will suit our need for a private meeting space that’s free of charge.

The club is now in its 25th year and continues to be very popular. We now have over 100 members, some who will walk at every opportunity and others less frequently.

We were pleased that 10 new members joined in the last year – Pam Stones, Yvonne Malthouse, Ian Edgell, Margaret Taylor, Leslie Rigby, Honor Colley, Ann and Peter McCreesh, Teresa Walker and Debbie Austerfield.

Since the start of 2024, a further 3 have joined – Richard Crompton, Fiona Greig and Pammi Gilman.

There is no need to advertise because an internet search quickly leads to our website, . From there the email address leads enquiries direct to me.

Members’ personal contact details are kept private within the committee. Members have all agreed (on their original application forms) that their email address may be shared amongst members for club activities only. It is also useful to supply your mobile number, particularly if you are leading a walk.

Emergency contacts for all members are held by the 4 committee members, so you should always be able to contact one of us.

Apart from a few printouts and the occasional card, I have no secretarial expenses. We do not have a budget for sending flowers etc, so this is something which we are unable to do at present.

As well as keeping membership records, I have a good collection of OS maps which members can borrow, and also some photograph albums from 2002 to 2007, which are being circulated.


7. Treasurer’s Annual Review – Frances Gigg

All members have an audited copy of the Club’s income and expenditure account for the year ended 31 January 2024.

The accounts show a turnover of £7782.89, due to the large expenditure on Cober Hill, the Annual Dinner and the Christmas lunch.

It is fortunate that subscriptions totalling £50 were received from new members, bringing the net balance to £216.35. Whilst this is an increase on last year’s balance of £159.85, it doesn’t leave much to spare in the event of unforeseen expenses such as deposits for events.

It was agreed that extra cash could be raised in future if needed, and Joyce Webster offered to organise a raffle.

The Club’s financial position is quite satisfactory at present.


8. Election of New Committee

The present Committee were all prepared to stand again, and there were no proposals for any changes.

Present Committee to be re-elected en masse. Proposed by Steve Gorton, seconded by Jeff Ballance. Motion carried.


Ordinary Meeting


Items for discussion were as follows: -

  1. Walks and Holidays for the Coming Year.

There was a lengthy discussion of plans for future walks, with several members offering to organise walks.

28 members have paid their deposits for our 7th annual visit to Cober Hill, near Scarborough, which will be from Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th July 2024, organised by Pat Bowman. Members will be able to relax in pleasant surroundings and enjoy coastal walks.

It is a few years since we did the Morecambe Bay Crossing, and there was sufficient interest for David Howard to offer to look into it. Michael said he would try to find tide times that would fit in with the journey to and from Arnside, Lyn Parkin also offered to help.

Rod Horton is planning a walk up Mickle Fell (2585 feet) on 6th July. This involved the added complication of obtaining a licence because it crosses MoD land.

Edward drew our attention to the fact that the average length of club walks has increased over the years. Originally the average mileage was 7.5 miles. Ten years later, it was 8.5 miles, and now it is 9.5. Surprising because members have grown older – some are fitter, but we do need to make sure that there are some shorter walks on the programme.

Lyn Parkin proposed to organise another leisurely Dales visit/walk, this time in Leyburn, with extra drivers to ensure that everyone without transport is catered for.

Steve Cobb is a member of a ‘Walks with Lunch’ group, and offered to organise a walk with a planned pub lunch.

Kath Ballance said that members may like to join one of the Glow-worm walks organised by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust at Kippax. Kath will make further enquiries and report back.

Carol is planning to offer a 2-day walk later in the year, more details later.


  1. Contribution towards expenses when car sharing

We have a recommendation that members accepting lifts offer the driver a contribution towards running costs. It was agreed that this contribution should remain at 30p per mile, divided by all in the car.


  1. 25th Anniversary

Pat proposed that members may wish to hold a celebratory event to mark 25 years of TCWC.

Members had enjoyed the 20 year celebratory afternoon tea, which was held in Bramham Village Hall, and liked the idea of a local walk followed by afternoon tea in Tadcaster. Dates in June were considered and Jane Steel offered to make enquiries at the Magnet Social Club and report back to the committee.


  1. Annual Dinner

Members had enjoyed last year’s Dinner at Wetherby Golf Club, so much that David and Sue Howard agreed to organise again this summer. Costs are likely to be a little higher, but this is accepted.

John Hunt has kindly offered to set up the quiz, but will not be available on the proposed date, 23rd August. Rob Hill and others volunteered to act as quizmaster in his absence.


  1. Christmas Walk and Buffet

The 2023 Christmas walk was led by Felicity, and followed by Lunch at the Magnet Club organised by Jane Steel with help from Kate Arnold. There was festive entertainment led by Kath and Jeff, and the whole event was a huge success. Jane was asked to organise again this year. Proposed date 10th December 2024.


  1. Joining fee to remain at £5

It was agreed that the joining fee should remain at £5


  1. Reminder to members re. Emergency Contacts

The four Committee members each have emergency contact details for all members.

Please remember to notify Pat if your contact details change, and also to carry your I.C.E card when walking. Sue has a supply of cards if anyone needs one.


  1. Any Other Business.

There were no other matters arising, and the meeting closed at 8.55pm.



Compiled by Pat Bowman

6th March 2024

© 2021 by Tadcaster Country Walking Club. All rights reserved.

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